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chinese people’s liberation army (pla)
中国人民解放军  detail>>
china people’s liberation army
中国人们解放军  detail>>
afro american liberation army
美国黑人解放军  detail>>
afro-american liberation army
美国黑人解放军  detail>>
army of national liberation of angola
安哥拉民族解放军  detail>>
black liberation army
黑人解放军  detail>>
islamic liberation army
伊斯兰解放军  detail>>
karenni national liberation army
克伦尼民族解放军  detail>>
kosovo liberation army
科索沃解放军  detail>>
lesotho liberation army
莱索托解放军  detail>>
national liberation army
民族解放军  detail>>
national liberation army of colombia
哥伦比亚民族解放军  detail>>
palaung state liberation army
巴郎邦解放军  detail>>
rwandan liberation army
卢旺达解放军  detail>>
sudan liberation army
苏丹解放军  detail>>
symbionese liberation army
共济解放军 共生解放军  detail>>
uganda national liberation army
乌干达民族解放军  detail>>
zapatista army of national liberation
萨帕塔民族解放运动  detail>>